The problem with titles is they are never as good as you want them to be.

Saying that time flies by is about as intelectually intriguing as talking about the weather and what's for dinner. We all say it almost in passing "Oh this summer has gone by so fast" or "It feels like yesterday we did X, but its been Y years since!! Can you imagine?!". But damnit time really does fly. 
Another summer gone, another year about to start. I mean not really a new year, but after studying for a total 14  of my 22 years on this small blue dot, the year seem to be going from Summer to summer, instead of winter to winter. It just feels natural.
Because of this, it very much feels like life, takes a break during the summer. I think that is why when its dark in december, and I try my hardest to remember how the sun feels like (UK readers, you have no Idea how dark days are in and around 19-20th of december up here. No seriously I know you sometimes think you have a monopoly on bad weather, well then I guess we have monopoly on darkness.) it often fails me. The summer feels so very disconnected from the rest of the year in many ways. 
It is very weird thinking back to how life was just 2 years ago, when I was preaparing to go to London for the first time. I had absolutely fuck all of an idea of what I was doing. I was unprepared, unorganized and unfunded. Everyone who's been in London knows how well that combo works. Somehow after a long and traumatic fall I solved everything but it mentally broke me completely. It truly did. 
As I look back to this time I realise that it was only due to the support of a handful of individuals, who through phonecalls and texts pushed me on, that I even got through it all. You all know who you are, and I am forever greatful and love you all. 
What I want to stress here is the importance of talking to people if you are feeling down in any way. It could be anything from economic struggles to love problems. Sharing your problems, makes it a lot easier to manage and helps with rebuilding. 
But what is even more important is that you look for signs in your friends and loved ones, that they are in a bad spot, and do everything to help them. A lot of people, me included, are way too proud to ask for help and that is when you need to just ask the question: Are you okay?  
We all really and truly need to care more about mental health, because that is what it boils down to. Mental health does not only include things like diseases or problems from birth, it is just as important as going to your annual checkup that you look after yourself and others. Especially in the music business, we are faced with an evergrowing uncertainty about our lives, because of the nature of our business.
There's a stigma (especially for men, but that is an issue for another day) about talking about feelings and where you are at in life. Despite being ever connected as we are, it is so easy to become even more isolated than without the internet. People sit in front of their computers all day, and a lot of the times the connections become insanely shallow and bland. But we can use these connections instead for something good. It's never been easier to just ask "Are you ok?" or "How are you doing with everything?". 

If anyone reading this ever feels like they need somone to talk to, about anything, don't hesitate to write to me on Facebook at once! And remember that no problem is too small. 
I tricked all of you didn't I, starting of all happy and cheerful and then bam, feels everywhere. This was supposed to be a rant about political correctness when I started so I REALLY don't know how we ended up where we are now.
All that said and done, this summer has been an alright one. I wouldn't say the best one, but certainly not the worst. Solid. But I am so done with Sweden for a while now. Honsetly, it has nothing to do with my friends and loved ones, but I cannot stand the low tempo that is just instilled into this town. So to London we go! Next sunday is the D-day! Thank you all for this summer, and see you in a while. 
P.S I also cut my hair. Like short. 

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