Oh but you should, You should mind it

So, it's 2AM, and it is now the 2nd of January 2016. I am not entirely sure were this post is going so I am making most of it up as I go along. As usual beware of a huge amount of saltiness and cynicism. 

There is something special about the first few days of the new year, apart from the seemingly endless hangover. Social media, parties and just standard conversations, tend to sway into the subjects of new years resolutions, or the great changes we want to see upon our lives in the coming year. It can range from losing weight, to just becoming a better person in general. 
The magic of new years eve, and the following days shows the spirit of humans all over the world. Most of us strive for change on a small scale. And it is eternally beautiful. You, are beautiful. 
But we can not achieve change without suffering. It could be the loss of a loved one, or taking those first painful steps on the treadmill. Your hearts and minds will be tested, and will resist change. The human body will not accept change if it is in direct violation with our most basic survival instincts. 
But that's when we tell that little voice in the back of our heads to shut up and we do it anyways. 
And then. We rise again, stronger than ever before. Building upon the rubbles of our older selves. 
2015 marks the half way point of the 2010s. Let that embrace you for a moment. To me, the 90's are still a fairly remberable decade, and in just 4 years, we will be in the new 20s. Some people are terrified of the thought of time running out on them. They spend their entire lives worrying about times end. Trust me on this folks, time isn't going anywhere anytime soon. You might only be here for a brief moment, but in that moment, we are a part of something. The very fact that we even exist is in itself a daunting thought that can leave me sleepless at night. 
But here we are. On a little rock, at the corner of a galaxy, roaring through the universe just clinging on. 
Consider all the billions of years that time has run to come to this point.
We don't need any petty gods or prophets. 
Life itself is reason enough to live. 

I am no leader. I am the writer of a blog that reach maybe 20 people if I am lucky, and a below decent music student from Sweden with student loans racking up. On top of that, I am lazy and have a 22 year intimite relationship with my bed. 
But, if there is something that 2015 has shown us, for good and bad, it is that ideas, are truly immortal. 
And I believe that we can make 2016 something great, if we just put our minds down to it. 
A happy new year to you all, and to anyone out there who feels lonely or sad, remember that there will always be people who love you. 

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