Let's talk: Why Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States

29/4 2016, London
Today Rasmussen Reports, concluded in their latest poll that a General Election today between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, would end in a virtual tie. Yes, I am aware of the fact that Bernie Sanders still has a mathematical chance to win the primaries, and I would be very happy if that happens. But at the moment Sanders chances are running out. He is lacking behind severely in delegates, and with Clinton taking 4/5 states this tuesday, the likelihood of him winning is running out. 
On the other side of the spectrum, Donald Trump sweeped all 5 states by a wide margin. The other candidates are both mathematically eliminated from the race, and the only way for Trump to not get the candidacy, is if no lone candidate reach 50% of the delegates. It is safe to say that we are looking at a Clinton VS Trump race this fall. 
"But how?! How can people vote for such a racist?!". This is the question that most people I meet ask themselves. "Why not vote for Bernie Sanders?! Americans are such idiots!". 
The thing is though that, Trump could not have chosen a more appropriate time to candidate for president. The refugee and migration chaos in Europe this last year, has helped fuel Trumps campaign to the levels he is at today. I can not help but think that Trumps surge, is extremely similar to what happened the Sweden Democrats in their rise to power. 
When SD first got into the government they where a small party getting around 6% of the votes. The swedish media, and the other parties took a "Pretend-Like-You-Dont-Exist" stance to try to force people to understand how according to them, awful and racist the party was. Next election cycle, SD got 12,9% of the votes, making them the third biggest party.
The same thing is happening in the US with Trump. The media, and even Obama himself has said that Trump has absolutely no electability, that he is a racist and so on. But when people are scared of the future, they are scared of things they see on TV, and then there's a man saying he will make everything good again, a lot of people will listen. And if "the man" says differently, well fuck them they are trying to opress the truth. For europeans it is important to understand the fact that a lot of the US is based on the fact that the federal government is not a strong body. Freedom for all and all that jazz. So the fact that the establishment has been trying their hardest to quell Trump, he has only gained power. 
Looking back at both the SD case and Trump now, I can just think that the best way to deal with it would be to take the debate. Don't fear away from the tough questions of immigration just because it might be percieved as racist. These are as important as any other issues, and should not be feared about on a top political level 
"But what about Hillary?? She is a strong independent woman! FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT GOOO". Wake up, its not going to happen. 

The democratic party is about as divided as it could be. Yes Clinton is winning, but the margins are a lot closer than in the republican camp. And most importantly, a large portion of Sanders supporters, will not join up behind Clinton in the general elections. Becuase of the immense differences in campaign policies, Trump is probably a much closer choice to many Sanders followers. They do have different means of achieving their goals, but they have both concluded that there is a problem with power and money in the US. They are both opposing the establishment of the two parties, and the way the democratic process is working(Or perhaps not working). 
But no. World war three will not start when Trump becomes president. In fact, very little will change. Trump is playing the game of politics extremely well. He knows that people need a common enemy to rally up behind, whether that is China, or immigrants. And no, he will not become the next Hitler. He might be anti-immigrants, but he is not saying to gas the jews. 
If anything, this shows how gullable and easily misled a lot of people are when it comes to politics. We act more on our feelings and reptile brain, than on reason and logic. 
Make sure that you don't just hate on people when they try to talk about their views on things. Discuss it, talk about it, try to see their point of view. There is no "right" way forward, or every way is the right way. All I know is that it will keep going forward. 

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