Update: A white house with white corners

This is just going to be a quick update for anyone or anything that cares!

After a almost month long struggle locked up in a hostel with 3 people, we finally managed to sign a beautiful flat 15 minutes from school! Our little scandinavian colony is slowly getting settled in and things are actually starting to feel like ordinairy. 

I haven't really been writing a lot here, as I do not feel like I have the need to at the moment. If anyone truly wants to follow my everydaylife, I gladly recommend my beautiful twitteraccount. I'm pretty sure Twitter will mark me as a spamaccount at some point. I feel like I'd rather write here when I actually have something to talk about, so probably not that often.
Now, what i DO have, is my yearly (I suppose its yearly now, since I did one last year as well) video-montage with extremely serious clips and music. This time taken from our journey from Kalmar to London, with the great cast of me, Bella and Maja. Please for god sake dont share. 
Now, see you later, christmas is rapidly approaching and as such my inevitable return! 

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