Snow, why does it have to be snow

Everywhere there's snow.
Every year, it's the same story. People (yours truly included), long for the winter and the snow, but as soon as new years is over, we despise it. I guess it's just another case of "The grass is Always greener", but with seasons instead of.. well grass. 
I'm curently on my way to Stockholm again, holidays are over and all goodbyes have been said. On monday the plane lifts to London again for another term. Hopefully I can escape the snow in the smog of the great city and just breathe fumes and polluted air instead! 
To be honest, I don't feel more energized than before the holdays. It's hard to get any rest in when there's always something going on. So when I get back to London I can atleast get some rest again and start getting my focus back on track! 

I am an artist in heart. I have always said that I wanted to work in arts, even in kindergarten when our teachers asked what we wanted to be when we grew up, I told them that I wanted to be a painter. Now you don't want to see me paint, it's not a beautiful sigt, but I have refined that will into something else, namely music! Yeasterday me and my best friends had a wonderful night playing at UNIK in Kalmar. The amount of people who turned up was astonishing! A big thank you to everyone who came, and also to the other bands that played during the evening, Pointless Sympathy, Dimpker Brothers and Samvetet. I hope we can do this again some day and maybe this is the start of a revival of people in Kalmar actually getting out there and supporting music! I love it. 
While writing this we took a break for food. For 20 plus minutes, I had the horror of having a lost passport. I was so sure that I mustve left it at home. Considering we had already travelled for 2,5 hours, it would not be pleasant to go back. As it turns out it was just stuck under the drivers seat... These things shouldn't happen, they test my mind too much..
As we aproach Stockholm, the snow is intensifying even more. Hopefully we will get through it, if you don't hear from me for some time, please call for help. Now I will go into radio silence until I am back in London, so all thanks to the people who made the holidays amazing, love you all!

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