Review Bråvalla: Marmozets

The best moments in life are the ones we least expect. The expected is usually boring and ends with dissapointment. Marmozets is neither expected or boring. The british powerhouse was unknown to me going to the smallest stage at Bråvalla Festival. Hidden away in the corner of a blue tent drenched in a beautiful odor of dried beer and sweaty people. Somehow Marmozets manages to embrace the spirit of everything a festival should be without even playing a single note. 
Somehow I found myself dragged to the front of the room by a friend. My inner swede screamed "But you don't know any songs!!" "You look like an idiot, get out of here!". But the moment the band started playing it was like lead singer Becca Macintyre just punched my insides with a rock, spat on it and went on with the show. And like a fish in muddy waters, I took the bait. And I loved every second of it.
Marmozets is pure energy. Like a nuclear reaction gone wrong but in a good way. And while many bands have a ton of energy on stage, Marmozets backs it up with a strong setlist of well thought out songs. The music is a combination of early Muse, Paramore (I am sorry in advance, Im sure this comparison is done to every single rock band with a female singer. This is hugely unfair to Macintyre as she is a singer that can actually perform well on stage and on record.), and the explosiveness of a progressive metal band. But where its predecessors sometimes went down the route of pop and mainstreamness, Marmozets seems to go down the path of something of their own. I am looking forward to following the band going forward. 
The sound in the tiny tent might have left a lot to fantasy. And yes, at times I cant help but feel overwhelmed by the wall of noise that is Marmozets. But if you take a look away from the awful acoustic conditions of a tent, I feel rejuvenized. To me Marmozets brings everything I could want from a live band, and that is why I cant help but feel that this was close to the best thing at Bråvalla this year. 
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